External Endorsements

Our external endorsements include:
- Together Great Ormond Hospital and the University College London Institute for Child Health represent the largest paediatric research body in Europe. For the 5 years to 2014, Great Ormond Hospital/ICH research papers had the highest citation impact of any of the top five children’s hospitals in the world.
- Working in partnership with the UCL Institute of Child Health, we support the largest centre in Europe devoted to research and postgraduate teaching in children’s health.
- The hospital is the UK’s only specialist Biomedical Research Centre in paediatrics and is part of an Academic Health Sciences centre comprising University College London and leading hospitals in London.
- We are the lead for the University College London Partners Genomic Medicine Centre, which is only one of 11 such designated centres in the UK. We successfully co-ordinated the bid to become a Genomic Medicine Centre and recruit patients to the 100,000 Genomes Project. By collecting and analysing genetic samples and matching them with the symptoms and long-term outcomes associated with these conditions, the project aims to position the UK as the first country in the world to sequence 100,000 whole genomes. This will help researchers and clinicians better understand, and ultimately treat, rare and inherited diseases and common cancers.
- One of our key strategies is to provide reliable care to children the first time, every time, delivered under ‘zero harm, no waits and no waste’. This approach was recognised with a British Medical Journal Berwick Patient Safety Team Award in 2014. The Quality Improvement team works in partnership with clinical teams to support, enable and empower clinical staff to continuously improve the quality of care provided to their patients.
- Research into transformation of healthcare services indicates the need to have clinicians as key players in the change and improvement process. Our Enabling Clinicians in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (EQuIP) programme was shortlisted for the Health Service Journal and Nursing Times Patient Safety and Care Awards 2014. EQuIP encourages innovation and a positive change in the culture of the NHS by training and supporting young clinicians in the quality improvements projects. There have been over 60 improvement projects, some leading to Trust-wide adoption, such as delivering on 100 per cent completion of timely discharge summaries.