Finding your way around GOSH

Please arrive at the International and Private Care Reception, Octav Botnar Wing, Level 2, either through the main hospital entrance, or via the separate entrance on Lamb’s Conduit Street. We will confirm all your details there and direct you to your ward or outpatient department.
If your child is being admitted on a Sunday, you’ll need to make your way straight to the ward – you’ll be given the name of the ward in advance.
Please note that ‘Level 2’ at GOSH is the ground floor in all buildings.
If you arrive at the main hospital reception, the staff there will be happy to direct you.
Safety measures
If you are coming to GOSH, there are some guidelines and behaviours we’re asking families to follow, both before your visit and while you’re at the hospital. These are an important part of the measures we’ve put in place to keep everyone at the hospital – patients, families, our staff – as safe as possible.
This includes wearing a face mask at all times while you’re at GOSH, unless you’re at your child’s bedside, or eating or drinking. Your child may also be asked to wear a mask when they move around the hospital. This is in line with the latest national guidance.
As a precaution during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are limiting visitors to the hospital. While we understand that this will be difficult for families, it is helping us greatly reduce the risk of infection, keeping you, your child and everyone else at GOSH safer.
- If your child has an outpatient appointment, only one carer will be allowed into the hospital. Unfortunately, siblings will not be able to visit.
- If your child is staying at GOSH overnight or longer, only two carers per family will be allowed into the hospital and these should be the same two carers each day. Only one carer will be able to stay overnight. Unfortunately, siblings will not be able to visit the hospital.
One-way system
There is currently a one-way system in operation at GOSH for your safety. Please follow our handy starfish stickers on the floor and remember to practice social distancing when in the hospital.
GOSH guides
If you arrive at our main hospital reception, our specially trained volunteers (GOSH Guides) will welcome you and help you find your destination. Look out for them in their bright yellow shirts with ‘Here to Help’ on the back.
To help make it easier for patients, families and visitors to find their way around GOSH, we have developed an electronic Wayfinder system.
The Wayfinder can be found on kiosks in the Main Reception, Variety Club Building and Octav Botnar Wing reception. The Wayfinder will show you a ‘photo-real’ 3-dimensional walkthrough of your journey through the hospital, right to the entrance of the ward or department.
During the journey, the Peter Pan character will appear at key junctions and pieces of artwork pointing out visual features to help you remember your way.
Finding your way around the hospital
Finding your way around a hospital can be daunting, which is why we’ve created this handy map for you. Please note that ‘Level 2’ at GOSH is the ground floor in all buildings.